I must admit that a daily photo blog is hardly a novel concept - google it and I guarantee that you'll find hundreds of them. For me, however, a blog like this has had quite the germination. It began with a blog created by a close friend and mentor, Katrina Kittle, as an extension of her "Reasons to Be Happy" chalked onto her blackboard every morning before class (and later, her similarly titled book). Then it moved to a sort of camera envy from another "K.E." while abroad, where I then used my lack of awesome camera such as hers as an excuse to not begin. After reading Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, I attempted to become more aware of the smaller happy moments in my wonderful life, but refrained from making a blog because... well who would care?
Then, Lent rolled around, and I realized: I care. God cares. So... maybe my little happy moments - God moments - might also brighten up somebody else's day. They wouldn't have the chance to do so if I didn't share them...
... and that's how this little Lenten promise/project came about. Rather than giving something up, I am intentionally looking for God everywhere I go. Only a few days in, I am noticing a difference in how I approach the ordinarily "mundane" things, like Thursday morning treks to class: rather than head down against the cold, wishing I was back in bed, I'm now on the look-out for just the perfect moment to capture.
There are obviously flaws in this plan - I am not always ready. For instance, I caught a fuzzy floating through the air the other day but didn't have my phone readily available to snap the picture, and consequently lost said fuzzy. Similarly, I saw a small smiley face sticker among the pebbles on the path as a strode to class, but figured my professor wouldn't accept "taking a picture of some gravel" as a valid excuse for my potential tardiness.
But - I'll get better at this. And it's not a competition. It's just a project and I'm eager to see where it might take me.