Thursday, March 29, 2012

day thirty-seven - city driving (preferred method: circumnavigation)*

 *= no matter how clearly my GPS attempts to tell me when to turn, I never seem to get it right (or left... punny). Hey, at least this way I get to explore the city... right?

Friday, March 23, 2012

day thirty-one - snatching a leaf right out of the air

I've heard from several reliable sources that catching a leaf as it falls to the ground is good luck. Not that luck has anything to do with the outcome of tomorrow's exam, but I will take what I can get. :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

day twenty-two - a gift from my younger self

As this is too good not to explain, I apologize in advance for breaking my "no more than seven words" rule: 

In cleaning out her closet a few days ago, my mom found an envelope carefully labeled "Katherine Momey" (sp?) and returned it to me, explaining that I had told her to keep it safe for me. Turns out, there was $60 tucked away in Mom's closet for who knows how long. In wondering what I would do with it, I decided to treat myself to a gift my younger self would approve of... I think I did well.