
Armed with a phone and perhaps even a digital camera, I hope to document one small God moment every day during my journey this Lenten Season. I am doing this through Blogspot not to show off my obvious talents as a photographer (ha), but instead to hold myself accountable - thinking that you (who may not even exist) will begin to wonder where days 2-40 may be if pictures do not begin to show up... so I owe you some serious thanks in advance!

((As I tend to get verbose, I also have a 7-word limit on my entries to keep things as simple and straightforward as possible))

Well here goes...

Peace and Love,


Update, as of April 11th, 2012

As I am now 10 days over what was supposed to be 40 (and turned out to be 47 due to an error in calculation), it's probably clear that... well, I haven't stopped. This Lenten promise, while trivial perhaps, has turned out to be a really great practice for me. I step out of the house every morning with a keen eye, ready to find God even (and especially) in the littlest moments throughout my day. That's not to say it's been a piece of cake finding "happy" moments these past 50 days: there have been some pretty low moments, but having this project made me search for the silver lining on even the darkest of cloudy days. And... guess what... it was there! Even if it was just the tiniest of glimmers.

One thing that I was not expecting to come out of this Lenten journey of mine was the EXPLOSIVE support from all of you. What started as mostly an accountability thing (Katherine saying to herself, "well, what's the  best way to hold myself accountable besides, well, making a promise with my creator? THE INTERNET!" ... yeah, that's how it went down) has transformed into something entirely different. Comments on my facebook wall and links to this blog, friends approaching me in the servery, emails from my family, over 3,000 page views ... the list goes on, but I really cannot thank you all for the support throughout this project of mine. How wonderful it is to be surrounded by all of YOU! That's not a small moment of happiness, but a truly HUGE one. I couldn't do it without you. 

But back to the not stopping thing... some of you may have already noticed the alteration of title up in the left-hand corner. No number, no goal - I don't know where this is headed, but I think I'm gonna keep at it. :)