Friday, May 25, 2012


... took one look around the place and transferred the blog to wordpress....

Follow me to the new site!

Much love and see ya over there,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

day ninety-three - mythbusters, family time, and ...

Spot*, my new super-fancy camera, obtained through the power of my graduation gifts combined.

*Name subject to change, any suggestions?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

days eighty-three through ninety-two - MASSIVE UPDATE

Pictionary at Bucket Haus

Sorry for the lapse!

.... technically ten days have passed, but eleven pictures are here - Happiness abound!


First baseball game of the season (for me) - A Victory!

Knighted by the Nuge

Honey Run Waterfall (complete with Amish
buggies, horses, and babies - WIN!)

Phi Beta Kappa

Graduation changed nothing.

Living with these lovely ladies


First round of fundraising letters = SENT

Thank-you's, reading, and Panera with C

Sunday, May 13, 2012

day eighty-two - my wonderful mom

Thanks for always being there for me, for watching me, for letting me fall and picking me up, knowing how to make warm chocolate, letting us get a dog, not letting us get a horse, for late night advice (panicked calls and soothing responses), and for being the closest thing to Super Woman that I could ever imagine. Here's to you, Mom!

Can't wait to see you (and C and Sammy) later this week! 

Thursday, May 10, 2012

day seventy-eight - The Cornerstones

... and with that, three wonderful years of "active duty" have come to an end, and I enter the world of Stone-alumni. Crazy. Love exudes from all my pores for this lovely and ridiculous group of people. Thank you to ALL the Cornerstones (past, present, future)! I have no idea where I'd be without you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

day seventy-seven - the chance to take an (AWESOME) art class as a senior

 ...and that awkward moment when you realize you have a GIANT portrait of yourself (or, as I had typed before "a GIANT self-portrait of yourself," wow, way to go English major) that you have no idea what to do with. You can't exactly hang it up in your room. Or at least, I don't want myself staring... at myself...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

day seventy-two - all sorts of wonderful friends

... yes, I must admit, facebook interactions (and countless notifications) make me happy... but really, I do have some of the best friends around. Imagine waking up to this lovely conversation - what a wonderful way to start the day!

Also, visitors, who visit. :)

And ice cream on Rosse Steps while baking in the sun.

Friday, April 27, 2012

day sixty-six - ALL THE THINGS

... lack of photo - yes. I apologize. It's because I have a whole slew of things which made today chalked full of small moments of happiness, including (but not exclusively):

- Friday!
- Delivering sweatshirts to newbie stones ;)
- Texting with my Sistah
- Running errands with Sam
- Receiving two big things in the mail, one of which was a package
- A POSTCARD from Rebecca :)
- Sunny Day (deceptively cold though... worth it)
- Excellent Bible Study (Luke 14:25-33)
- After-after Party
- Pizza for dinner
- Cookie doughy cookies (nomtastic)
- A TRIPLE header of animated movies (yes, you heard correctly - THREE IN A ROW)
- Friends willing to walk ALL the way up north to visit/play/cuddle/talk

... the list could keep going, but I bet only a few of you made it this far anyway.

For all of this, and more, I am so thankful!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

day sixty-one - the chance to talk to this lovely lady ... FINALLY


note: the time. (not that I technically missed the day, but that the time is 12:34... I love it when that happens).

Saturday, April 21, 2012

day sixty - senior cornerstones concert

What a wonderful weekend - full of friends, parents, love, singing... I cannot express how much all of this means to me. Thanks to ALL of you!

((also, this is not a small moment, but a HUGE presence - but I am going to use it anyway))

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

day fifty-seven - realizing you wore the same blazer on the day you interviewed as the day you were offered the job


Also: studying at Sips with Sam, alliteration, beautiful cupcakes, dress rehearsals, overwhelming support, and just generally being excited/nervous/exploding about the future

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

day fifty - chalked encouragement

 As I am now 10 days over what was supposed to be 40 (and turned out to be 47 due to an error in calculation), it's probably clear that... well, I haven't stopped. This Lenten promise, while trivial perhaps, has turned out to be a really great practice for me. I step out of the house every morning with a keen eye, ready to find God even (and especially) in the littlest moments throughout my day. That's not to say it's been a piece of cake finding "happy" moments these past 50 days: there have been some pretty low moments, but having this project made me search for the silver lining on even the darkest of cloudy days. And... guess what... it was there! Even if it was just the tiniest of glimmers.

One thing that I was not expecting to come out of this Lenten journey of mine was the EXPLOSIVE support from all of you. What started as mostly an accountability thing (Katherine saying to herself, "well, what's the  best way to hold myself accountable besides, well, making a promise with my creator? THE INTERNET!" ... yeah, that's how it went down) has transformed into something entirely different. Comments on my facebook wall and links to this blog, friends approaching me in the servery, emails from my family, over 3,000 page views ... the list goes on, but I really cannot thank you all for the support throughout this project of mine. How wonderful it is to be surrounded by all of YOU! That's not a small moment of happiness, but a truly HUGE one. I couldn't do it without you. 

But back to the not stopping thing... some of you may have already noticed the alteration of title up in the left-hand corner. No number, no goal - I don't know where this is headed, but I think I'm gonna keep at it. :)

day forty-nine - be:ing recognized

 ((Also, recognizing the irony behind an "unsung hero" award - wouldn't an award make you more "sung"? Not that I'm complaining by any means, it's just food for thought, haha))